Science + Art = Critical Thinkers
“Whether today’s students go on to be artists, doctors, or politicians, we know that challenges their generation faces will demand creative solutions. We should fully expect that, in the coming decades, many of our best leaders will come from art and design backgrounds.” John Meada, Former President, Rhode Island School of Design and leader in the STEAM movement.
On any given day during the school year, visitors to Fairhope’s five schools can feel the energy of STEAM, a movement embraced by FEEF, integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. At Fairhope Intermediate and J. Larry Newton Schools, goggle-clad, young scientists create robotic arms or dissect a starfish while examining both its scientific and natural design properties. Fairhope Middle and Fairhope High School students integrate math, science (think sound waves) and technology into theater, marching band, guitar and piano labs. Likewise, for engineering students, art and design are important components of building a competitive moon buggy or downhill racer. In the art room at Fairhope Elementary School, Fairhope’s youngest students learn about Henri Matisse and hone their math skills by working with organic fibers and shapes.
More than filling in the gaps, FEEF is opening a world of opportunities for Fairhope students. These programs would not be successful without your help.
What will your student learn today?

The Pelican’s Nest Science Lab
FEEF’s signature project, The Pelican’s Nest Science Lab, continues to be a mainstay in teaching Baldwin County public school children about the local environment and watershed. Director Kacie Hardman has added new STEM curriculum for intermediate age children.

Science Labs
Children learn best by doing. That’s why FEEF provides salaries for science lab teachers at Fairhope Intermediate and J. Larry Newton. From biology to robotics, students are learning with hands-on experience.

Fairhope High school students are in search of the lightest and fastest machine to compete in NASA’s Human Exploration Rover Challenge, an international competition held each spring. The challenge encourages research and development of new technology for future mission planning.

With generous support from the community, FEEF invested more than $250,000 to build the Black Box Theatre at Fairhope High. With underwriting provided by FEEF, students in the theater department delight community audiences with musical productions such as Mary Poppins and the The Addams Family Musical.
Throughout Fairhope’s feeder pattern, FEEF broadens horizons with music.

Fairhope Elementary students build musical knowledge through a series of guest performers including a hands-on drumming workshop.

Community support through FEEF supports FHS marching and symphonic bands with dollars for performances and instruments. Much like sports, the 150 plus band members must keep up their grades to participate.

Piano lab
Now in it’s third year, the FHS piano lab, built by FEEF, jumpstarted the return of chorus and expands the electives available to high school students. The lab often reaches students who may never have an opportunity to play an instrument. One year of daily piano lessons is equivalent to three years of private instruction. Students graduate with a love for music and higher GPAs.

Guitar Lab
In guitar lab, for one hour a day, Fairhope Middle students can dream of becoming rock stars. Teachers say love for the lab has improved student attendance and overall grades for middle school students taking the class.
Changing lives and improving the community through education.

Family and Consumer Science
Not your mother’s home economics, FEEF supports college and career readiness through the Fairhope High School Family and Consumer Science program. From culinary arts to fashion design and finance, students learn skills preparing them for the future.

International Baccalaureate Programme
FEEF was instrumental in bringing the IB Programme to Fairhope High School. With your help, FEEF continues to support the curriculum through support for student electives and teacher training.

As Fairhope’s elementary age school population grows, access to art outside the classroom becomes scarcer. FEEF supports meaningful programs, expanding access to visual arts, and integrating projects with subjects such as math, social studies, history, and geography.

For more than 12 years, LIFT (Learning Involving FEEF Tutors) has supported those students in grades K-8, needing extra help to attain grade level in reading and math. Success comes in the way of understanding new concepts and increased classroom participation. This program is solely dependent on local dollars.